I started this post on Friday and added to it over the weekend. Finally, I got it wrapped up today. This is a piece to recognize our twins turning two years old, and a little bit of then and now.
Friday morning started early as Theodore was up by 5:30am. As we got ready for the day, the sun was shining and the temperature started climbing out of the low 40’s. We did see deer up on the hill and the birds were very active. It was two years ago today Amaris and I were blessed with the birth of Theodore Jamison Beal and the birth of Jacqueline Sophia Beal. They were born in Manchester, NH at 7:45pm, on April 20th, 2010.

The twins were born in the same minute. We hadn’t finalized names at birth, so Theodore was born as Baby A and 30 seconds later, Jacqueline was born as Baby B. You can make out the ‘B’ on her hat.
I remember we got back to the hospital room and just visited with our new-born babies for a while. Each twin had a nurse assigned to them, and there were a lot of tests and special care to make sure the twins were warm. We looked them over and discussed the final names on our list, and a couple of hours after the twins were born, we had their names.
I hope I never forget that the night the twins were born was the same night that Red Sox Nation really met Darnell McDonald. On April 20, 2010, McDonald, just called up from the minors, hit a pinch-hit home run to tie the game in the bottom of the 8th inning. Then he hit a walk-off single off of the Green Monster to win it in the 9th inning. The video clip captures Fenway beautifully, with obstructed view. The hit came at roughly 10:56pm, the twins were just more than 3 hours old.
Earlier that day, baseball was also on our menu. I got out of work and drove straight to Gill Stadium in Manchester, NH to meet Amaris and Sebastian, and to watch Stephen and Ryan playing in their high school game against Central High School. Goffstown did win that day, but I wasn’t there to see the end of the game. A little bit before 6pm, while sitting at the game I noticed my wife was looking quite uneasy to say the least. I asked her first, then I told her we should go. Friends of mine later told me that they knew something was up because I never leave a game early. The hospital was nearby the field which is one of the reasons we agreed to meet in the first place. We knew Amaris was ready to go, it was just a matter of when. Amaris insisted we both drive to the hospital, so we did. We got in there and since she was already scheduled for a C-section delivery they decided that tonight was the night they were going to do it. Bing. Bang! Boom! And we were in the delivery room. At 7:45pm the twins were born.
Theodore was born 30 seconds before his sister. He was 19.5 inches long, she was 19 inches long. Theodore was 6 pounds 10.5 ounces while Jacqueline was 6 pounds 10.2 ounces. During our stay in the hospital there were 6 other sets of twins born. The heaviest of any other twins born at that time was just 3.5 pounds.
Two years later, April 20, 2012, the twins have grown considerably, obviously. Theodore is now 34.5 inches tall and weighs in at 28 pounds. Jacqueline has grown to 33.25 inches and 25 pounds. Theodore loves to figure out all things mechanical, he is strong and fairly good on his feet. Jacqueline is a muscle, she is very strong and has tremendous balance and control on her feet. They are both smart, observing everything, and forgetting little from one experience to another. Jacqueline is bossy, in charge, but very loving and wears her expressions on her face. Theodore is plenty happy playing by himself, but misses his sister and asks for her if he doesn’t know where she is. They do interact very well together and often times communicate in some dialect that they only seem to understand.
When the twins were much smaller and younger I made up a song about them that I used to sing over and over to them as they would go to sleep. They still equate this song with putting their heads down and at least pretending to sleep. When they were babies and much less mobile, Theodore would be flat on his back just waiting for someone to look at him so he could smile and he always had a grin for his sister.
Jacqueline used her entire face to smile. Her nose would wrinkle, her eyes opened wide, and her lips formed the most beautiful smile.

Jacqueline has always liked to really express her smile by using as many facial muscles as possible.
Here are the words I put together for this little song:
I love you my Jacqueline, you are so beautiful.You have the prettiest smile, I think I’ve ever seen.
Your lips curl, your nose wrinkles, your eyes get real big;
Big enough to brighten any room, or the darkest night. I love you my Theodore, you are so beautiful.
You lie there waiting for a chance, and smile at every glance.
You look out for your sister, she is your twin;
And when she looks your way, you always flash a grin. I love you my twin babies, you are so wonderful.
I’m so thankful for Jacqueline and for Theodore.
You are constantly smiling like happy babies do,
When crowds gather round, we all look at you.
God blessed us with your birth and united our family;
Now and forever we’ll live happily.
On Friday Stephen checked in from Argentina. Steve is spending his Spring Term at Dartmouth, studying abroad in Buenos Aires. His schedule is jam-packed and he’s more than 5000 miles away. He wanted to make sure that the twins knew he was wishing them a happy birthday. So I told the twins. I also asked the twins if they knew where Stephen was. They gave their immediate shrug of their shoulders. Jacqueline then said, “I don’t know”. Then they pointed to the family picture on the wall and started calling out “Fee-Phen, Fee-Phen”, which is their best pronunciation of Stephen’s name. I let Stephen know that were aware of his wishes.
Two years ago at this time, Stephen was finishing up his senior year of high school. He would graduate as valedictorian of Goffstown Area High School and deliver one of the better student speeches that faculty could ever remember. One teacher even jumped to his feet when Stephen finished.
Ryan checked in from California a couple of different times on Friday. Ryan is more than 3000 miles away. He’s a college freshman, playing baseball at one of the best baseball JUCO’s in the state of California. He wanted to make sure the twins knew he was wishing them a happy birthday. I talked to Ryan and he told me how he can’t wait to get home and see them.
Two years ago at this time, Ryan was finishing up his junior year of high school. Ryan would finish 7th in his class and win multiple academic awards for his efforts in the classroom. He and his brother Steve, both baseball players, would experience a quick, and unexpected exit from the NH Division I State Baseball Tournament. This ending to the seniors’ baseball careers in high school play seemed wrong and out-of-place. This group had been one of the top baseball squads in NH since they were 9 years old. Redemption came at an unexpected time when this group, who all played American Legion Baseball together too, would go on to win the NH State Championship in Legion Baseball just six weeks later. In the state final, Stephen pitched, Ryan caught, and the twins’ older brothers shared a moment on the field at Holman Stadium in Nashua, that few brothers ever know. Brothers, outstanding players, better teammates, champions.
Erin went shopping for the twins on Thursday after school. She came home with an armful of bags, and a smile that was even bigger. She couldn’t wait to show us what she had bought them. Friday, after school, she couldn’t wait for gift time after dinner. The time came, the gifts were given, and the twins loved the gift bags as much as the gifts that were in them. Erin did a tremendous job picking out their gifts. The twins love what they received, but they love their big sister even more.
Two years ago at this time, Erin was finishing 8th grade at the Villa Augustina School in Goffstown. After spending a frustrating and nearly useless 7th grade year at Mountain View Middle School, she moved to “The Villa” for 8th grade and had a tremendous year. Erin delivered a wonderful speech on her graduation day and the twins were there to see her.
Sebastian went out of his way all day Friday to wish the twins a happy birthday. I don’t think they always knew what he meant, but it didn’t stop him from wishing them a happy birthday numerous times. When the twins were opening their gifts, Sebastian was there, pointing out the things they liked about each item. He gets excited about their gifts, and in turn, he brings a new level of excitement to the twins. They love their big brother. Sebastian has been a Principal’s Honor Roll student during the first two trimesters of his 5th grade year. As busy as he is, he always, always has time for his little brother and sister.
Two years ago at this time, Sebastian was wrapping up his 3rd grade year. It was a very difficult year for him. Sebastian, a very smart boy, was really trying to hit his stride as a student and create a solid work ethic regarding academics. The whole school year was a complete waste of time as he was not challenged at all. He could have missed half the year and not suffered at all. This was a case of a teacher who taught the class so all could hit a low standard instead of raising the bar so that the kids could push themselves, learn, and be ready to advance. Either way, Sebastian could have been selfish about his spot as youngest child and resented the addition of new attention in the family, but he was excited then, and he still his. He’s a wonderful brother.
On Friday our twins turned two years old. That afternoon we watched together on TV as the Red Sox and fans celebrated Fenway Park being 100 years old. I can’t wait to take the twins to their first Red Sox game some day. I hope that even with the “over-amusementification” of the grand old ballpark, that they still get the same thrill I did as kid when walking up those old cement ramps leading from the under-workings of early 20th century ingenuity to the baseball sanctuary at field level. I am sure they will be sick of my commentary by the time the first pitch is thrown. On that first game day, I will pass down the stories, the history, and the sights and sounds of Fenway. I will teach them to keep score in the program and make sure they remove their caps for the National Anthem. I can’t wait.
Thursday evening, Sebastian and I put together a gift that had been sent here from Amaris’ parents in Connecticut. The gift is a plastic play set that actually fits nicely on our deck. The main features of this set are the slide and the swing. The twins were, and still are, very excited about this new addition to our deck. They love playing on and around the set, and have since we unveiled it. Thank you Nana and Poppy.
On Saturday, Amaris’ brother Brent and his wife Julie came up from Connecticut for a visit. They brought gifts for the twins as well. We enjoyed spending time with Uncle Brent and Aunt Julie. Sunday morning we all went to Sebastian’s hockey game. We returned to our house for a lesson in making zucchini bread for Sebastian from Aunt Julie. They had a good time. Brent and Julie treat our family well and it was very nice to see them.

Jacqueline shows her big smile with Aunt Julie in the background. The twins, again, loved the gift bags as much as the gifts.
Over the weekend we received many cards, gifts, and social media wishes, all directed to the twins, celebrating their two years in our lives. Thank you all so much. I know the twins don’t understand what all of this means yet, but they will know. When they wake up from naps, or first thing in the morning, its people that they ask for, not for things. As it should be. We are fortunate to have the wonderful friends and family in our lives that we have. The twins know this already, and they will learn more through time spent with these wonderful folks and from stories shared with them about the fantastic folks surrounding them.
This weekend the twins turned two years old. Here are some more pictures from the weekend. Enjoy. And thank you all again.

Theodore is not sure if he’s in trouble for ripping open his card from Uncle Brent and Aunt Julie. No troubles Theodore.

The twins do their best impersonations. Jacqueline is Elton John. Theodore is the late Randy “Macho Man” Savage.
Thanks for sharing via poppy. Nana
My pleasure. Thank you for the cards and gifts.