Some folks had difficulty accessing the pictures on the Sky Drive so I have re-posted in this format. Hopefully this works better. Thanks for your patience.
We hadn’t really celebrated with birthday parties for the twins in either of their first two years so we decided (last-minute) to celebrate this year. It was a two-day celebration and the twins were quite excited to see family, AND LOTS OF PRESENTS!!!!

Jacqueline has to stand up just to look down into her gift bag. Her expression leads me to believe that she was pleased with what she saw.

Theodore is less about the drama and more about just getting into the gift. Jax looks on in support of her brother.

Jacqueline is in mid-season gift opening form. She smiles, holds the gifts to be seen, and pauses so that the photos can be taken.

Jacqueline thinking, “Oh my! Just what I always wanted for my third birthday, even though it’s my first actual birthday party!!!!” Theodore thinking, “What is her deal?”

Theodore thrills his many fans with a genuine smile of gratitude. Oh, and a little boy holding a toy truck, that’s almost a sure thing.

Day two of the twins birthday celebration. The twins again understand the benefits of the organized seating arrangement prior to opening gifts.

The twins are surrounded by family as they await their first gift. Jacqueline neatly arranged her own footwear in the customary placement of the crocs.

Theodore: “Can someone grab me my reading glasses? I can’t see what this is, but either way, I am thrilled!”

Theodore, “Hey, thanks for calling, that is really compelling, but sister is opening her presents now, so I will call you back.”

Jacqueline is pleased with the home-made dress that Grammy made for her. Although, to her left, unruly family members reach for this prized gift.

Jacqueline, “Ya, she did! Grammy did make the dress I asked for! Gotta go. Theodore is turning this place on its side.”

Theodore seems to be both delighted and surprised to see some guy holding a camera in front of him. On another note there is a random card being held in the picture.

There was standing room only for the singing of “Happy Birthday” and the blowing out of the candles. Medics were on hand and crowd control measures were taken.