I was reading through some older posts today, and I came across these special words. I remember the night I wrote these words and how they just poured out onto the page faster than I could put them in order. It’s rare when that happens, at least for me. This piece was, and still is, very special to me. This goes back to 2000 and the first time I saw TSO in concert. One of my favorite poems.
Where did these guys come from and how did they know? That I wasn’t in the right place, though I knew where to go My path was missing something and I knew it was all wrong When all of a sudden direction showed up in the form of a song Nobody that I knew had played Christmas songs in this manner before Wow! It was so beautiful. I had only an idea of what was in store I couldn’t dismiss the shrill of those guitars, so sharp like a knife Shredding all the familiar notes of the songs I’d loved my whole life My emotions balanced on every note, each one brought me closer to peace The artist held me in limbo; his fingers played with a master’s ease Holding me there, waiting, for the note I knew was coming next Without fail the note is played perfect, always better than I expect The sounds are so timely, so crisp, so pure and unrefined Etching new meaning to the words that always play in my mind I feel these emotions; they’ve been building since I was a boy It’s undeniable, overwhelming, it’s pure Christmas joy As the tunes grew on me I started to focus on each word Somehow I still managed to avoid all the truths I had heard I took daily struggles and somehow turned them to years I caused myself and others so many unnecessary tears The music accompanied me everywhere I would go And though I wandered all over, I never missed a show God’s grace followed me though I made it a most difficult task I always knew, but ignored, to get help I need only just ask A few years were damaged and I hope not all was waste Eventually I made my way from that dark and lonely place I keep these memories close to me as tough as they are It wouldn’t be healing if I didn’t make time to recognize the scar And it wouldn’t be learning if I was to somehow forget The lessons I have learned and I am not done yet Though the words are familiar they still offer a welcome surprise Every time I am lucky enough to see TSO live Written by Steve Beal Sr.
Thank you. I appreciate you taking time to stop by. You have a lot of great stuff on your page. Thanks again.