Today was another day to remember. The twins, at three-and-a-half years old, went to their first day of school. Well, pre-pre-school, as I call it. Either way, there were pictures, good-byes, anticipations, uncertainties, and excitement. To my knowledge there were no tears, and once the twins saw the school they barely even noticed that I was there any longer. Jacqueline looked back at me, but Theodore marched forward with a school day to conquer. Kids, being kids, as it should be. Hopefully we adults don’t teach them too quickly how to no longer be kids; honestly I hope it never happens. We live some 20 years with barely a care in the world, then we grow up, worry, and forget childhood excitement for the next 50 years. Anyways, the twins were excited and very ready for their first day. As I waited outside in the rain with the other parents, the teacher walked the twins outside, all searching to make eye contact with me. We made the connection and the kids smiled. As we walked away, hand-in-hand, I asked them how their day went. Jacqueline, obviously tired, said, “Good.” Theodore expanded on the answer, “I told the teacher and she said we couldn’t go on the playground. I said please and thank you. And I made one friend.” That was it. They were ready to move on to the next adventure. I love it. Tomorrow is day two.

The twins pose with Sebastian, but their attention is still focused on Mommy driving down the driveway
Thanks for sharing with Nana and Poppy. We were hoping we would hear from you. Sebastian looks good too. Nana
Thank you for checking it out. The twins love “their” school, and Sebastian is a good big brother.