I guess we could detach ourselves and say, to each, their own
Then isn’t it the folks furthest removed that cast the first stone
To obsess on anything is not the answer, even for one who rants
To me, it’s unhealthy and obvious that one has lost their balance
Then there’s life altering events as in the one’s we cannot control
Still others exist when we decide again to make ourselves whole
Maybe the choice we made, inspired from a place we least expected
At a show we checked out, message received, we’re truly affected
But we all enter the doors from a different place, and intent is key
For we all hear, but to listen is a big difference if you ask me
Like the sower of seeds pursues the grounds soft, apt to receive
Our mindset at times needs a gentle push to better perceive
I, for one, sit quietly, anxious, like one waiting for Christmas Day
Then I close my eyes renewing my senses as they begin to play
I could be wrong but I feel like there is something special in the air
There’s most definitely a message to discern, I’m keenly aware
But were my heart hardened and I not to listen, present just to hear
Then maybe it’d be just another show, another band, another year
The message, I needed to hear it when I first did, enthralled, I froze
From the stage to my balcony, those sweet sounds, they rose
The Christmas spirit, the words of love, melted the chill I sought
The musical symmetry overwhelmed my senses though I fought
I shuttered from the war within, I left “somehow different I think”
Learning later that this group, was in some ways, my missing link
Then it was up to me to model the meanings I had run so far from
Now I attend in part as a reminder to me from how far I have come
The shows still move me, sounds divine, I escape, and intently I listen
The snow comes down and through the lights the flakes do glisten
Using words that recently sparked a deluge of commentary, I found
That there are far worse folks by whom we could choose to surround
So we are drawn in by the message heard and portrayed for us to see
Ideals, defined as a standard of perfection; God, family, country, me
It’s all there in every show, God in message, family in every single row
Country honored before and during, just ask Chris, he would know
But it’s equally important not to leave out us, the me, the we, the you,
A happy me, a whole me, is better than before TSO passed through
So, yes I went to see them again this tour, Lord willing I’ll go again
As for planning each tour, it’s not if, but really, it’s a matter of when
Until then I will listen, I will share, I will enjoy, but I will not obsess
Rather I will puff up with pride in the places we TSO fans coalesce
Beautifully written!
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