I am a fortunate man. God has blessed my family and I many times over. I am both humbled and thankful for all of the blessings that have come my way. One pleasure in life that I am very thankful for, one that I try not to not to take for granted, is the beauty of my sleeping children. No matter how busy the day has been, or how hectic, and even disastrous it may seem, there’s always the moment that seems miles from any of the chaos.
The moment, in the dark, when I walk into the warm room(s) where the children I have been blessed with, to guide and to raise, are peacefully sleeping. The pace of life knows not this moment and this space. No anger, ill-tempered, or negative emotion cross the threshold into this area. Time slows to an appropriate speed when I walk among the shadows to seek a glance at those precious, innocent faces. The noise of life and the roar above the growing hum of humanity clattering through our universe while being distracted by instant everything, can be overheard here by the faintest of whispers. Here inside these walls, the absence of light creates an atmosphere that is placid, quiet, and it takes on a different feel than it does at any time during the day. Reverence washes over me immediately as I step from one world into another, a world separated by just a door and these four walls. Outside this space distractions abide, and stresses tug, decisions are real, and too many of them are required. But, here, in the dark silence, there is innocence, beauty, and peace. There is love here, lots of it. There is respect. There is peace. There is life that originated from a miracle, and here it sleeps, just inches from the madness of today, but here it rests, completely.
My heart rate slows and my mind seems to clear up. I look at the preciousness before me, and it is overwhelming. Sometimes I fight back tears when I let myself think of ever missing one of these moments. Mostly, I smile. I whisper to the sleeping beauties. I have done this with all of the children, even as they got older. I tell them I love them, and how beautiful I think they are. I tell them to dream big, and go after the things in life they love. I tell them to always love, and to always give thanks to the Lord. I tell them they can do anything that their hearts desire, and to work bigger and harder than their biggest dreams. I tell the boys to take care of their sisters and to always look after their mother. I tell the girls to always help their mom, and to make sure they look after their brothers. I pray for them. I pray for direction to be a better father, to be a better husband, and to be a better example. I give them each a kiss and I linger a moment, somehow wishing I could return to that time in my life.
As I open the door to leave and to re-enter the world outside, I think of how truly fortunate I am to witness these pleasures in life.
Thank you so much. Glad you stopped by.