Memorial Day – Remember Them All.
Lest we forget.
Please remember what Memorial Day is about.
This weekend is the unofficial American kick-off to summer. We celebrate freedom with picnics, parades, and backyard barbecues. With the weather we are getting here in the Northeast, it feels like summer already. It’s Memorial Day Weekend. So, without further adieu, I will get to the point.
As we get together with friends and family this weekend and enjoy the extra day off from work, please take a moment (or several) to remember why this weekend is so special. This holiday is defined by many as, “a day, the last Monday in May, on which those who died in active military service are remembered.”
Imagine, or better yet, try not to imagine what this weekend, or what any day might look like, were it not for the amazing men and women who gave their lives for the greatest country on the planet. They are among the biggest reasons why the USA is the land of opportunity.
This weekend, so many of us kick back, relax and enjoy the many freedoms we take for granted in the first ten minutes of most days. I don’t want to forget those who have, do, and will give their lives for the country I am so proud to be from.
I remember. Please remember. This weekend and every weekend could be so much different. So foreign, were it not for these folks who paid the ultimate price. This weekend is a Memorial to the thousands who paved the way for the lives we lead now. Remember them.
I wrote about this subject on Veteran’s Day 2014, and I have posted the poem (below) that woke me one night that fall. And I had to write it down.