Once again, the Lord blessed us, allowing us to be able to get to our favorite vacation spot for the fifth year in a row. Another week at Abrams Pond in Eastbrook, Maine. Often I sit and think just how fortunate I am. God has blessed my family and I so many more times than I could count, or even begin to fathom how or why we deserve life’s rewards. So, with humility, I share the pictures that tell the stores of our week in Maine.
You may be standing right next to me as I notice something flying in the sky half a mile away. I am constantly looking to the skies, to the depths of the waters, to the shadows between the trees, or along the sides of the beaten paths. And sometimes, I am fortunate enough to see the life of the wild that is around me.
Of course, we travel as a family. It’s a family vacation. One of the things that we love so much about this place, is the speed of life, or the lack thereof. The kids love the yard, the house, and of course the lake. As the kids grow, so does their enjoyment, and therefore our pleasure. I look at these and I smile. Sometimes, all I can do is trail behind and just try to keep up.
Then there are the scenes we have become accustomed to around Abrams Pond. There are many, and a few of them are captured here. Some might be repetitive from previous years, but we never tire of them.
Over the hundreds of posts I have published here, I have used thousands and thousands of words to tell stories or share pieces of my life. But then, there’s the sky. The sky that makes the rest look so small. The sky that changes by the second. The sky that can hold my attention for hours at a time. The sky that only God put in its’ place. Graphics nowadays are tremendous on games and screens, but nothing beats the sky in all of its’ grandeur.

How many times is God’s canvas wiped clean only to be replaced by a picture more beautiful than the one before
All I can say is that, we are hopeful to return to this favorite place in 2016. I thank God for the blessings that allow this trip to come together for five years running. I thank my family, all around, for making this place come to life each summer; I am the beneficiary indeed. Thank you J for all you do to make this place what it is. I, we, enjoy the correspondence we share. And J, I also enjoy sharing my love of this place and the love of baseball with you. Abrams Pond 2015, was completely our pleasure. Thank you.
Beautiful pictures! My wife and I are looking into buying a home on one of these lakes and have never been able to get to Abrams. We have been to molasses, Georges, Flanders etc but have always missed Abrams. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you find the water quality during your visits. Was the lake clear, or murky looking. In your pictures it looks perfect and am hoping you found it that way in the first person. Thanks for sharing the pictures, I miss Maine the day I leave each summer.
Thank you very much. Abrams is very clean. There is a lot of sand/silt that stirs up if walking in the water. The lake only gets to about 27′ deep and from a canoe/kayak, you can go out pretty deep and still see the bottom. It’s a great place, and there may be properties for sale on Abrams. All the best. Thank you for stopping by.