I treasure my Mom.
Treasure: as a verb is defined simply as to “keep carefully”. A synonym listed for treasure is the word “cherish”.
Cherish: takes things a little further, “protect and care for (someone) lovingly”.
Today is my Mother’s birthday. I cannot express in mere words how much she means to me, and how much I love her. I treasure her. I cherish her. And then some. As I mentioned so briefly in the post below from 2011, I have been so blessed that God chose my Mother for me. One of God’s gifts to me certainly has been my parents, my Mom.
I could have been born anywhere, to anyone, but God had a specific plan. God is good. God doesn’t make mistakes. God’s plan is perfect. God could not have chosen more perfectly than He did. I am eternally thankful for my parents, and today, I wish my Mother the Happiest of Birthdays! I am so thankful for you Mom.
It is incalculable to figure just how much I am indebted to you, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. If I had grown up, all these years, and feel that I owed you nothing, then that would have been a terrible life thus far. I am so thankful that is not the case. You are nothing short of amazing, Mom.
Thank you Mom, for everything. Happy Birthday!

My Mom enjoys lunch on a memorial bench on the Sugar River. Mom and I had a wonderful drive and peaceful stop at this beautiful place.
I wrote this simple post in 2011.
Happy Birthday Mom! I am glad that God allowed me to be born into our family. I am so glad I got to grow up with you Mom. I am my Mother’s son, and I couldn’t be happier. I hope you have a tremendous birthday and an even better year.
Truly, I treasure my Mom.