In my house we watch a lot of sports. My wife and I both played sports growing up. The kids have played many sports, all of their lives. Sports, not much gets better.
To compete, to go after something, only to lose, or to win. It’s healthy. There’s nothing better for a person who competes, to learn both sides of that coin. Preparation, planning, and execution, all measured, all with feedback. What a way to learn.

The twins snuggled on me for the second half and overtime of last night’s miraculous Super Bowl comeback win by the Patriots. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.
Then, add humility and grace, hopefully gained along the way. Wow, nothing better than that. True champions, the best of competitors, understand how fine the line is between winning and losing. They humbly recognize how closely related, winning and losing can be. The true competitors learn to graciously accept the result, either way, after leaving it all on the field of battle. It’s beautiful.
These things said, I must admit that I, we, do get caught up in the thrill of competition here. Recently, the twins and I may have been late to school as we got up and watched the end of the Nadal vs. Dimitrov match in the Australian Open semi-final. Then, after last night, with the twins snuggled on me for the entire second half and my wife beside me, we were a little sluggish this morning.
I did watch the last two Patriots drives again this morning, this time without the symptoms of a sports heart attack. Miraculous.