Once again, we were fortunate enough to have a week-long vacation in Eastbrook, Maine. All of us speak of this vacation throughout the year, and it usually it sounds something like this, “I cannot wait to get to Maine this year!”
I took some pictures, per usual, and I think I will separate them into three sections: people, wildlife, and landscape.
Feel free to take a few minutes and check out these pictures of one of our favorite places in Maine. Enjoy!

There are lots of ducks. The kids work on their quickness in one of many a duck chase. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

Theodore and Jacqueline pose for a picture on the banks of the Union River at Indian Point, the very spot where Beal ancestors landed by boat to settle Ellsworth and Surry in the 1700’s. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

This seal showed up to do some fishing at Reversing Falls Park on Dennys Bay. A large bald eagle circled a few times too, but I was unable to get a picture of it. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

The Heron crisscrossed the pond out in front of the house many times per day. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

Looking straight up, I noticed this dragonfly playing in the air just before dusk. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

I still get mesmerized by the sky at times, especially when it seems larger than life. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

The water flowing through Reversing Falls Park was churning, bubbling, powerful, beautiful, and would not be denied. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

Out at Indian Point on the Union River, I snapped a picture of the sun at the time of the eclipse. Being in the extreme Northeast part of the country, we didn’t see much, but the sky coloring was a little bit unusual. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

Not a landscape, but maybe my favorite square footage at Serenity. In this corner, I read often and listen to the Red Sox by the hour. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

Then one afternoon strong winds carrying crisp, cool air from the Northwest blew in and signaled the end of the humidity. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

It appeared to me that these clouds were racing towards earth against the deepest of blues. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

The sky, the water, the setting; all of it contributes to our favorite vacation spot. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

If you ever find yourself in the Downeast, and you want a beautiful place to have lunch, come here. This is the Day Use area at Cobbscook Bay State Park. Surrounded on three sides by water, the views over Whiting Bay are gorgeous, and the steady breezes were welcomed. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.

During the eclipse, the skies were an odd shade of gray-blue, but not really cloudy or hazy. Photo from Indian Point looking up the Union River toward Ellsworth. (C) 1inawesomewonder 2017.