May 28th – 3 Years Later
It’s May 28th, 3 years later, in the evening. I am finally seated in a place to address this difficult subject. I don’t know how long I will take. I know that to sit and think about my late brother on this day, takes me some time.
Honestly, I’m on the couch in our living room. I am listening to our beloved Red Sox on the radio. All four of us kids love the Red Sox. We always have. My late brother Rob, would be watching or listening to the game right now too.
I read again, and again, what I wrote for my brother three years ago.
There is so much more that needs to be shared about my brother, and one day I will close that gap. I know what I know. And I remember as much as I can. Fortunately, my brother documented nearly everything, so I have been able to get reminders of so many great memories. Also many surprises that I had either forgotten or never knew about in the first place.
Anyway, tonight (honestly, a lot of nights I sit and think about him) I remember my brother. My kids favorite Uncle. Actually, all twelve cousins called him their favorite Uncle. They weren’t wrong. He was awesome. He was generous to a fault.
My siblings and I get to carry countless memories of our brother forward, for the rest of our days. The other three of us were together yesterday. It was Memorial Day and we were at Mom’s. Rob would most certainly have been there with us if he were still here. We talked about him some. Remembering. None of us wanting to dig too deep on the subject because of the pain and emotion caused by his departure from us.
There is no question that I thought about Rob yesterday, as I went through the house visiting with family. I pictured him in the seats he would most frequently use. I could almost hear his voice rising above all the others, carrying through the house. The smiles he would give everyone of us, I could see those too.
For tonight, May 28th, 3 years later, I will keep the rest of my thoughts and memories close. There is not a day that I don’t think of him.
Before I go, I have added two pictures from yesterday. This area was my brother’s specialty. If not his mastery. His pictures would have been better, clearer, and exactly what we would hope for. Mine, well they are here.

Squeezing everyone onto the stairs was not the best idea for a picture. It was an awful lot of fun though.

From somewhere on the stairs in the house, I heard some comments about taking a picture outside. Good idea. Although it started to rain as this was happening. All things considered, it turned out pretty good.
And by the way, the Red Sox scored a big win down in Baltimore tonight. They beat the very talented Orioles, 8-3. High fives all around.
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