We see you there and we ask whyShouldn't we just pass you by? Life lessons tell us this is badWe know; our mind's eye is sad Experience says this can't go wellWe're all here so what do you tell We close our eyes expecting mostly nilWe listen, then silence, all is still We look, to be sure you're still thereHolding our gaze we wait with despair Then it happens, your mouth opensThe sounds, as if Continue Reading...
Moon over Abrams Pond 2013
The heron, an eagle, loons, and me
It was the middle of the day when I climbed in. A two seat canoe, a paddle, and me, I did begin. The water was calm and close to crystal clear. Moving through water, and birds, all I could hear. Not a cloud to be found among the blue sky. The sun warmed everything from up on high. I imagined this place in a time centuries before. Wishing it were then, and how I'd still explore. I moved slowly, and Continue Reading...
Can’t wait to get back
We have only been home for 2 1/2 days and I can't wait to get back up to the Down East. Lord willing, we hope to return for a fourth consecutive year in August 2014. Continue Reading...
Beals Island 2013
On our, now annual, vacation to Down East Maine we trekked up to Beals Island. I love this little fishing village where my ancestors came from. The population was down to 508 people as of the 2010 census. Either way, crossing the bridge to the island, looking over the Moosabec Reach Area is beautiful every time. This was just one part of one day spent while we were in Maine for two weeks. We Continue Reading...
I like my hot dogs well done
I asked Theodore if he had slipped into the kitchen and eaten one of the hot dogs from my plate. He answered with a question, "Daddy share your hot dogs?" I said that I did. He said, "Oh, thank you Daddy, my hands are dirty." We got him cleaned up, but the this look suits him well, and he does love hot dogs well done. Continue Reading...
Good eating
Yesterday my three year old daughter and I were sharing some leftovers for lunch. Jacqueline was enjoying some bites of the pasta and was cordial enough to say, "Thanks for sharing your food Dad." This was very nice, but what really got me was what she said when we finished. I told her it was all gone. And as if I needed the encouragement, she said, "Really good job eating Dad!" Thanks sweetheart Continue Reading...
3 Days in Pittsburg
Recently, my wife, our three youngest kids, and I made a last-minute trip to Pittsburg, NH for a little getaway. We packed quickly, jumped in the van, and drove some 170 miles, or so, north to Pittsburg. Thank you to Judy at Mountain View Cabins & Campground for working with us, we couldn't have done this without you. While we were up north I did take several pictures in order to better Continue Reading...
Jacqueline: “I …
Jacqueline: "I want to go to the store and get some Mini Oreo's." Theodore: "Well, I want Mickey Oreo's." Jacqueline: "Once upon a time, I want to go to the store and get Mini Oreo's, Teddy wants Mickey Oreo's. The End." Theodore: "Let's put it on the list. I need a pen."The twins enjoy the Disney movies and Disney characters. They have several toys from the Disney line of products. Among their Continue Reading...
Twin quotes
After choosing the coolest day of the last five to actually venture in to the kiddie pool on our deck, the twins were soaked, and cold. Upon getting out of the pool after they were "skating" by sliding their feet on the liner under the water, they grabbed the towels that were nearby. Before drying themselves off, they proceeded to dunk their towels in the water, soaking them to the point of being Continue Reading...