As I have mentioned before, I have come across a TV show that I just can't get enough of. I have found, and thoroughly enjoy, The Last Alaskans. One review I read on this show used a word to describe this show, that I would also use, intoxicating. Completely intoxicating. The show is now in its' second season and I can still honestly say, I can sit down and feel myself relax when I hear the Continue Reading...
In Plain Sight
I probably watch more TV than I would admit to. Primarily I watch my beloved Red Sox, and then shows on history, wildlife, survival, and a few DIY types now and again. Recently, as I have written here, I have found, and thoroughly enjoy, The Last Alaskans. One review I read on this show used a word to describe this show, that I would also use, intoxicating. My schedule keeps me quite busy and I Continue Reading...