My little sponges Jacqueline and Theodore while playing in the family room this morning, were carrying on as if completely alone. First, Jacqueline, while carrying a stuffed animal dog, was babbling lyrics. In this order, speaking, not singing, while holding the dog, and working around the play kitchen. Followed by some random interactions this morning. Little town Quiet village Everyday The Continue Reading...
This might be why couch pillows go flat
I am not sure I have enough proof here, but here goes. Aside from watching this little tale unfold with my own two eyes, I think the pictures tell the story. I find it interesting that the stash of “fluff” was not only, not hidden, but was at an elevated view. Theodore is seen trying to return the “fluff” back to the pillow I think. Jacqueline was proudly guarding the stash. Meanwhile the victim Continue Reading...