Imagine a place so beautiful that you would travel hundreds of miles just to see it. Just to circle through the area in hopes of not missing a single beautiful angle. Just to let the scenes wash over you. A place to stop and have a long look, just to "drink it all in". First, let's start with a few simple pictures from my phone. These were taken in New Brunswick, Canada. Continue Reading...
The Old Farmer
The Old Farmer I write sometimes too much, other times not quite enoughGetting the time, or room in peace to work can be tough Before I wrote my most viewed piece, Destination HomesteadThere was a man who taught me to use an axe in the shed Before if was the right time to do my Generation JumpingThere was a man , well-read, his stories true, lacking nothing I remember a guy who could dribble, and Continue Reading...
God Made a Farmer
Inspired by the Super Bowl farmer ad, I am sharing this quick note. This commercial was not only my favorite ad from the advertising blitz that is the Super Bowl, but it may also have been my favorite part of the entire game. See, to me it wasn't an ad about a company, but a cognitive visit to times and places I don't visit often enough. Paul Harvey was a standard at my grandparents home. Continue Reading...