Goffstown, NH Snowfall. Winter 2016-2017. Winter Snowfall 2016-2017 December 5: 4". December 7: 1". (5") December 12: 6". (11") December 17: 5". (16") December 22: 1.5". (17.5") December 29: 8". (25.5") December 31: 2". (27.5") DECEMBER TOTAL: 27.5" January 7: 3". January 9: 0.5". (3.5") January 17: 2". (5.5") January 18: 3.5". (9") January 24: 2.5". (11.5") JANUARY Continue Reading...
After The Storm
https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba6e62Ll4S4/?hl=en&taken-by=1inawesomewonder Continue Reading...
One Mile Color
This fall has been a warm one here in NH. Traveling throughout New England this fall, I have noticed that in different regions of Northern New England the colors have ranged from breathtaking to just plain beautiful. Continue Reading...
First Day – Second Grade
The twins were so excited for school this morning. We saw a doe with three beautifully speckled fawns on the way to school. Continue Reading...
Winter Week
After a week of good old-fashioned winter weather, things are looking a little better around here. We had 31.5" of snow in the last 7 days. Finally, a week of winter, to help rescue us from another weak winter. I am thinking I will be up on the roof this week. #ILoveWinter. Continue Reading...
Wet Snow
As I made my way around town this morning, I marveled with the kids at the spectacle of the winter wonderland we passed through. The limbs all around us, bending low, to display their burden in beautiful form. Trees bowed to the Creator, silent and still, in reverence to the One that giveth and taketh away. The fresh coat of white, wet snow, with barely a hint of breeze, made for a postcard Continue Reading...
December Snow
Snow Day Creativity
The twins did some creating this first snow day of 2016-2017. Continue Reading...
The Story of the Show Tree
This tree dazzled all that passed by, with its' brilliance in color and personality. But I paid attention when it beckoned, and I listened to what it had to say to me. Continue Reading...
Month of Missing
Must it be that the light which stood for hope and the promise in change, In an instant is obliterated, senselessly by the familiar yet strange? Is there no lucidity in a month of moments ensuring one can share the pain? A luminary is gone, one who would, in time, opponents' favor to gain. Who has sight to see the symptoms on society before they leave yet for school? Call it as I see it, Continue Reading...