I think it'll be fairly obvious in these pictures, that I am not much of a "do-it-yourself-er". Either way though, I am sharing this. Today, with the help of my mother, and my 6-year old twins, we made a 64 cubic foot compost bin. It only cost roughly $700 to make it. Ha ha! Only kidding, it cost around $65 to get some wood, posts, and screws, etc. Anyways, here are the pictures to show the Continue Reading...
The Property (Ours and Flowers)
We are so busy in our lives. There's time, but too rare is it that time, we make. Mostly, it is the allowances that we welcome, our time it does take. So, slow down, take ten minutes or so, and go where this takes you. It's safe I assure you, and visit as often as you would like to. Continue Reading...
Last Trip to Canada
I was going through some documents I had on my Google Drive and I came across one that I had put together last June. I did this in planning a trip to New Brunswick, Canada to take my Mom, and Dad, up to her hometown, where she grew up. But the visual planning was done more for my Dad so he would know what to expect, and feel comfortable knowing that we were making several stops so he could Continue Reading...
The Old Farmer
The Old Farmer I write sometimes too much, other times not quite enoughGetting the time, or room in peace to work can be tough Before I wrote my most viewed piece, Destination HomesteadThere was a man who taught me to use an axe in the shed Before if was the right time to do my Generation JumpingThere was a man , well-read, his stories true, lacking nothing I remember a guy who could dribble, and Continue Reading...
The Spot
This is the spot where I used to stand. How I wish I could see it again as it was 30 years ago, the views, the fences, the lay of the land. Minutes turned to hours here, even an afternoon. I would day-dream, swing a bat, or throw rocks. It always ended too soon. The fence is gone and the road now paved. I miss the way it was, the cows, the dirt, the rocks, you know, back in the day. I’d Continue Reading...
Destination Homestead
Destination Homestead The highways weren't what they are now. The drive times were longer and the family car was crowded. The days were most definitely simpler then. There weren't electronic games to play, options for isolating ourselves within the car, but games we played involving us all. I knew the make and model of almost every vehicle we saw along the way, we all did. I sat behind my dad Continue Reading...