The other day I was racing through the land of Facebook. I was going really fast, and sifting through the unimportant to find something of meaning, something with backbone. Honestly, I don't remember what I was looking for, but I remember what happened next. I clicked on the left side of the screen, on a link called 'Events'. I hadn't even done it on purpose, but for the two seconds that I saw the Continue Reading...
Lessons from Joe
Last year at this time I wrote a post to my blog. But this was not just another post to pass time, fill empty space, or impress a soul; it was my attempt at a heart-felt tribute to a friend from my youth. Once posted, the reactions, comments, and emotional outpourings I received just blew me away. People reached me from various places, people I had never before met, and others I hadn't seen or Continue Reading...