After a week of good old-fashioned winter weather, things are looking a little better around here. We had 31.5" of snow in the last 7 days. Finally, a week of winter, to help rescue us from another weak winter. I am thinking I will be up on the roof this week. #ILoveWinter. Continue Reading...
Snow Day Creativity
The twins did some creating this first snow day of 2016-2017. Continue Reading...
Snow Streak
Here in my yard, in Goffstown, NH we have seen snow in the following amounts over the last 20 days or so. I know these are not necessarily record-breaking, and that others have seen a lot more, but this is a pretty good run none the less. I do love all four seasons and here in NH I do feel that we get a good taste of each season annually. So even though the air temperature was -8°F when I went to Continue Reading...
Patriot Snow Day in NH
It's 5 degrees F here on the hill, and snowing hard. The wind is making it feel like 8 degrees F below zero. It's February in NH. Last week we got 27" of snow here on the hill. It's looking like we may get another 12+" today, with more later in the week. The kids are home and play time will commence. The snow day is a perfect way to replay and enjoy the Patriots 4th Title, completed Continue Reading...