So, an innocent conversation with friends last year, about the possibility of having raised garden beds and whether or not they could place one on the side of a hill, turned into a woodworking project that has continued this year. It all started with manufacturing the sides and ends by cutting and combining boards to get walls that were 12" deep. Then some pilot holes, support for the corners, and Continue Reading...
Black Brook After The Storm
Morning Ice
Check out @1inawesomewondr’s Tweet: Continue Reading...
Goffstown, NH Winter Snowfall 2016-2017
Goffstown, NH Snowfall. Winter 2016-2017. Winter Snowfall 2016-2017 December 5: 4". December 7: 1". (5") December 12: 6". (11") December 17: 5". (16") December 22: 1.5". (17.5") December 29: 8". (25.5") December 31: 2". (27.5") DECEMBER TOTAL: 27.5" January 7: 3". January 9: 0.5". (3.5") January 17: 2". (5.5") January 18: 3.5". (9") January 24: 2.5". (11.5") JANUARY Continue Reading...
After The Storm Continue Reading...
One Mile Color
This fall has been a warm one here in NH. Traveling throughout New England this fall, I have noticed that in different regions of Northern New England the colors have ranged from breathtaking to just plain beautiful. Continue Reading...
“I don’t want her to be forgotten”
It's been more than a year wince Wendy Tefft died. I am no detective and only have access to the same information that everyone else has access to. But for some 380 days now, I have wondered just how many questions are there left to answer regarding her death. Continue Reading...
Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
This was a 19-second video that I took with my phone yesterday. I slowed it down to half speed. It's a Hummingbird Hawk-Moth. I know it's not the best quality, but kind of cool to watch. Continue Reading...
Deer Weeding 1.0
2017 Quality Raised Garden Beds
So, an innocent conversation with friends, about the possibility of having raised garden beds and whether they could place one on the side of a hill, turned into my latest woodworking project. It all started with manufacturing the sides and ends by cutting and combining boards to get walls that were 12.5" deep. Then some pilot holes, plastic lining (last year's backyard ice rink), some weed block, Continue Reading...