These were taken 10 days apart. The top one was in the front yard this morning. The bottom one was from the backyard a week and a half ago. I have seen a few more deer in between, but I can’t always get a picture. I don’t always take pictures, but when I do, I prefer dos ciervo. Continue Reading...
Three deer in a row
The sky was blue. Pure, deep blue. To the east the sun brightened the blue to a glow so bright I had to look away. As I brought my gaze down toward the horizon the perfect blue was interrupted by the varying height of trees near and far. The greens of the fir trees locked in shadows while the sun took its time to reach its morning path across the sky. The brush and growth on the knoll were covered Continue Reading...
Twin Adventures – The sprinkler, in March?
Sebastian gets home from school to find everyone outside already. We had been outside for about two minutes. Obviously the twins were already thirsty.We have no lawn at this point. The twins run better on the pavement, so we set up the sprinkler on the driveway.Theodore, wearing his sisters hat, was up for the challenge of the sprinkler.We all enjoyed his high-stepping antics, especially Erin.Erin Continue Reading...