I climbed the hill on foot, but it wasn't much of a rise. For some reason though, my feet didn't want to go. It just felt like I was walking through both, the sands of time, and quicksand all at once. Imagine making strides just to make them, but wishing not to take a single step. Forces fell from somewhere, making the quest more of a question, than a statement. I walked hand in hand with my Continue Reading...
Forever Rest In Peace
Today we come together to remember one of us, one held so dear. I implore you to ensure that her sweet, smiling spirit ne’er disappear. Continue Reading...
To the Help
This one goes out to the help. The volunteers. The community. The common thread found among a group. Maybe it's a passion that you didn't realize you had, but you couldn't stay away knowing that things needed to be done right. I know I have said this, maybe too many times, over the last 15 years, but I believe it, it's all about the kids. So, when we get put to the test to host a baseball Continue Reading...
Someday, From This Debt, I Hope I’m Never Free
Are you a parent? Did you have parents? Did someone ever give of themselves toward your betterment in such a way as to change your life? Do you owe anyone for the piece of them they gave, just for you? Have you even thought about this? Should you do something about it? Do you need a push in the right direction? Well this is what I have come up with, so far. As time rolls on, the memories start Continue Reading...
Try Kindness
A lot of people might refer to me as a grumpy old man, or maybe as a bear, and I do have my moments. Though, I have tried more consciously to pursue and deliver random acts of kindness. My favorite is to buy a Veteran their meal/coffee/snack at Dunkin' Donuts. Perhaps it was just stopping to help someone shovel snow, or to clean the snow off of someone's car. Maybe it has been giving of myself to, Continue Reading...