I didn't know about the website or the event. I just knew that this scene grabbed my attention when I drove by it one day. I love our flag. It's even better when there are a lot of them. I love our veterans. This little field made me stop and look at it again. I have been by there several times since. Continue Reading...
Arthur Tsetsilas
Arthur Tsetsilas Tonight, I made the short drive to Londonderry, NH. I drove through familiar neighborhoods on my way to the funeral home. Some of the roads I drove on, weren't even there when I was growing up in Londonderry. Unfortunately, I am all too familiar with this funeral home. This past April, I stood in the same room that I was in tonight, in front of the gathering, in tears, Continue Reading...
He Was There
Christmas Day 2016, my first Christmas without my Dad here Continue Reading...
I climbed the hill on foot, but it wasn't much of a rise. For some reason though, my feet didn't want to go. It just felt like I was walking through both, the sands of time, and quicksand all at once. Imagine making strides just to make them, but wishing not to take a single step. Forces fell from somewhere, making the quest more of a question, than a statement. I walked hand in hand with my Continue Reading...
Oh Mother
Oh Mother our lives have changed so much over this past year. I can't get through a single day without shedding a tear. Oh Mother, I pray that you will enjoy your special day. We are missing Dad, but that will never go away. Oh Mother, our faith, our trust, our love, will see us through. I thank you so, for all of the things that you still do. Continue Reading...
I wrote this in 2011, and this post has been a permanent page on my blog, and still is. This morning, I remember. This page is a place to more permanently keep this close at hand. On 9/11/11 I watched, I listened to, and read pieces on the 10 year remembrance of 9/11. I cried, I thought, I remembered, I swelled with pride, I felt a lot of emotions that day. That evening into the wee hours of the Continue Reading...
Remembering Pearl Harbor
There are a lot of people, memories, and events that I focus on in December. One I try never to forget is remembering Pearl Harbor. It was before my time but it did in fact shape a period of time and altered the course of history. I am remembering, and I'm very thankful to be an American afforded with the opportunities I have, because people before me wouldn't let freedom be snatched from them. Continue Reading...
Remembering Veteran's Day
First, before I get to the thoughts swirling through my mind. Before I share excerpts from my last 24 hours. Before I thank all of those responsible for the opportunities afforded me in Canada yesterday. First, I thank the Veterans this Veterans Day. For without them, many, if not all of my daily routines, activities, and luxuries may not exist at all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Continue Reading...
Remembering Veteran’s Day
First, before I get to the thoughts swirling through my mind. Before I share excerpts from my last 24 hours. Before I thank all of those responsible for the opportunities afforded me in Canada yesterday. First, I thank the Veterans this Veterans Day. For without them, many, if not all of my daily routines, activities, and luxuries may not exist at all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Continue Reading...
A few days with Marjorie
I knew time was short, and I knew she was quite ill,Though I didn't expect it. I prayed she'd win the fight.That dreaded phone call, the news shook me still.The earth as I know it got a little bit darker tonight. For those of you who knew her betterFor those of you who knew her worseFor those who knew her different than IMy experiences led to this little verse For me, most mornings started with a Continue Reading...