Monday morning came and the ice sheet in Thomas F. Sullivan Arena at St. Anselm College was prepared. The lights were on, and the scoreboard lit. The Manchester Flames Pee Wee Majors appeared ready to play the Keene Cobras in the “5-8 bracket” Championship Final of the 2nd Annual MLK Tournament. The game started and the Flames were clearly the better team, at least for a time. Then, as the game Continue Reading...
Thanks #25 (Sports)
I am thankful for sports. I have spent thousands of hours playing, practicing, teaching, watching, and dreaming in sports. Through sports I learned disciplines. I learned teamwork. I learned respect. I learned how to get along with others. I learned what it meant to be a part of something bigger than myself. I learned how to compete. I learned how to win and lose graciously. I learned motivation Continue Reading...
Thanks #17 (Freedom)
I am thankful for freedom. This is New Hampshire, the state motto is, "Live Free or Die." Taking the motto a step further, it was originally written as, "Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst of Evils." I don't know about the rest of New Hampshire, but I take freedom pretty seriously. Freedom, meaning by one definition, "The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance Continue Reading...
Admit you have a yield problem, or maybe it's a denial problem. If you don't yield to temptation, good for you, but if you don't yield in traffic then it might be a denial issue. If you do yield to temptation, among other things, then you know how to yield when it's seemingly convenient to do so. Look up the meaning of the word yield. One meaning: surrender. On the roads it means: to slow down or Continue Reading...