It was before 7am this morning and Theodore was restlessly snuggling all around me. We were trying to be quiet as Mom and sister were still sleeping nearby. I was trying to get that extra little bit of sleep that almost never seems to happen. Even so, it was hard not to share in his excitement to get his day started. Then he looked up, peered out the window and gave me the following Continue Reading...
“I was naughty last year”
I am telling you, I could not make this stuff up. This happened yesterday and I wrote it down almost as quickly as it happened so I wouldn't forget. So, I walked into the room where my laptop was turned off, and I spent a moment to turn it on and wait for it to completely start up. In this short time, Theodore and Jacqueline starting yelling at each other just around the corner from where I was. Continue Reading...
“He’s going to be a doctor”
Jacqueline was sitting on the floor, playing with our cat, Demetrius, also known as "Meeches". She was holding the cat on her lap when she turned to me and said, "Meeches wants to be a doctor." Then she giggled a couple of times and exclaimed, "He's going to be a doctor! He's going to be a doctor!" Continue Reading...
Beautiful Innocence III
I can't help myself, and I really don't want to, if it means that I should stop thinking about the kids, the parents, the school faculty, the first responders, the families, and the community surrounding the tragedy in Newtown, CT. Newtown. Hmmm, maybe we all need a new town, as in a new outlook on our world around us. We live in our little cocoons, sheltered from the things we don't allow in. Continue Reading...
“I do pretty well”
The twins and I were out and about for a little while this morning and I had to share some commentary from the back row of the van. First, "London Bridge" was playing on the CD player. Both twins were singing, at least a little bit. As we drove right by the airport, I asked Theodore, What's that?" Theodore: "That's the airport tower. I work there." Me: "You work there? I didn't know that. That's Continue Reading...
Hiking Crew
Sebastian leads the hiking crew on Stark Pond while the twins are ready to use their newly fashioned walking sticks. This was on Veteran’s Day 2012. Continue Reading...
Princess and a Pirate
As promised, Halloween 2012 pictures. I know this was back in early November (thanks to SS Sandy), but I have been busy. Actually, there’s no excuse. Better late than never. So, here they are; Cinderella (Jacqueline) and Jake the Pirate (Theodore). Continue Reading...
Walking in the sand
The peace of sleep
“There’s an eagle up there”
Theodore and Jacqueline have both been coughing and congested for a week or so now. So I have gone through dozens of tissues, blown noses, wipes, and the charade of mixing it up to keep them remotely interested in getting their sore noses cleaned up. Today it was my precious little boy who showed his warm, soft way about him. After I had him in my arms, I cleaned his nose as he blew. So, I used Continue Reading...