Some people see a raised garden bed, some people see a photo waiting to happen. Continue Reading...
First Day – Second Grade
The twins were so excited for school this morning. We saw a doe with three beautifully speckled fawns on the way to school. Continue Reading...
1st Grade: First Day 2016
As Jacqueline said to me this morning while tieing her own sneakers, "Well Dad, I guess we are officially first-graders now." Yes you are. And off to school they go, beginning the 2016-17 school year. Time will again race by, but this moment we enjoy, and capture, only to look back on it and wonder where the time went. They couldn't wait to get on the bus. Theodore told me last night, "Dad I am Continue Reading...
Twin Adventures – Pillow Fort
Blessed Mornings
So, time and time again I stop and consider just how fortunate I am. I mean life is hectic. Something always gets in the way of something else. Demands on my time seem to have no end. Others come first, and there just seems to be so many 'others'. Days run right into weeks and the top of to-do lists turn upside down, and even start over again. Sometimes I think this pace approaches madness. Early Continue Reading...